Golem, Stone
Animated stone statue. A large construct.
A statue made of solid stone. When it moves, it’s in simplistic, straightforward gestures.
HD: 5 | Armor: as plate |
Hit it: easy | Dodge it: normal |
Move: normal |
It is immune to fatigue, fear, poison and diseases (because it’s an object). It resists fire and magic. However, anti-magic zones and dispel effects paralyze it.
If the golem’s activation glyph isspecifically destroyed, the golem is deactivated. It can be altered to change its order. Roll a D12 for its location:
D12 glyph location
- Left Palm
- Right Palm.
- Sole of the Left Foot.
- Sole of the Right Foot.
- Inside of the Left Thigh.
- Inside of the Right Thigh.
- Left Armpit.
- Right Armpit.
- Top of the Head.
- Nape.
Attacks (1/round)
Slam. The Golem makes a melee attack with disadvantage (1D12). It inflicts double damage to objects.
Grab. The golem makes a grapple attempt on a target, roll 1D4:
- Crush. The target takes 1D10 damage.
- Throw. The target is thrown at another target, on a hit, both take 1D8 damage and fall prone.
- Rip. The target takes 1D6 damage and an additional 1D6 damage unless they destroy one item they are wearing.
- Freeze. The golem blanks for a few seconds, nothing happens this turn.
Shockwave. Every grounded creature and object near the golem must save or fall prone.
Random Encounter
- Monster: 1 stone golem.
- Lair: A stone alcove engraved with arcane runes.
Omen: Very, very heavy footsteps. - Spoor: An object that is guarded by the golem.
- Tracks: Very straight, very heavy foot tracks.
- Trace: A stone statue.
- Trace: A boulder that could only have been moved by a colossal strength.
Crafting Instructions
Creating a stone golem takes 5 Spell Dice and the equivalent of 5 bags of gold in stone. Roll 1D6 to know the result. Add 1 to your roll for each additional Spell Die spent.
- Explodes (4D6)
- Berserk.
- Will work for 1 mission.
- Roll again after the next mission.
- Very vulnerable glyph location.
- It is perfectly under your control.
DM Notes
This is a streamlining of Arnold K’s amazing take on the golem. Traditionally, stone golems have a slow ability, which never made sense to me, so I added a shockwave that allows it to prevent unsuspecting adventurers from running away. — SaltyGoo